Welcome to the blog for `66 days`!

Hello my name is Thorsten and I am the brains behind this site and the author of the Focus Timer App "Passata". This is the first post in this blog, so what is this about anyway?

In this blog I will share my ideas and experiences that I gather while developing and marketing the app and - perhaps more more interesting - share my own experiences with handling and alternating focus and breaks in my daily work life.

What day-to-day job am I referring to here? Well, I am a software developer and accordingly I have the Knowledge workers at the desk in mind. Generally the topic "break" is naturally also for all physically working people. However, the focus here should be on those who spend their working day via keyboard and computer screen.

Why are breaks so important, how can you integrate and design breaks? And how often should you actually take breaks? That's what I want to write about here. Every child probably knows that breaks are important. But why do we often do not act accordingly? What prevents us from doing so? These questions are reason enough to shed new light on the topic and to present tools and hacks that ensure that you are still fresh in the head at the end of the working day and - spoiler alert - achieve a better work performance and thus be more successful.

Not exhausted and at the same time a better result? Isn't that a contradiction in terms? In every Apple product launch, we get to hear from Tim Cook how hard the teams at Apple have worked again to create the new products. And socially, the person who sits at his desk the longest is the one who works the hardest. It's less accepted to close your eyes for a moment at work, to walk up and down the hall, or to lie down for some minutes and stretch.

It's time to rethink!