Welcome to Passata, the new focus timer app for the Web,
iOS (iPhone and iPad) and macOS.

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Passata is the focus timer to reach your goals by valuing your breaks.
Structure your workday, reach your goals, stay healthy.

A Pomodoro Timer with no frills

Unlike other pomodoro timer I restricted passata to the core function a focus timer has to deliver: Time your focus phase and time your break phase.

The relax phase has the same importance as the focus phase. If you have a creative job, I believe that you can only create the best value if you alternate your focus periods with break periods.

Read more about my approach below on this page.

Highly adaptable to your needs

How many pomodoro timer apps did you try out where you could only pause the timer but not restart or jump directly to the next phase? I tried a lot of them and wanted to make it better.

And the original "pomodoro technique" says the focus phase should be 25 minutes. But for me smaller times work better. So changing the times should be obviously possible which on a lot of pomodoro apps they are not.

Clean design

When looking for nice designs, I stumbled upon a design which is called "Neumorphism" which I liked a lot.

In Neumorphism, mainly shadows and gradients are applied to achieve a plastic effect. And yeah, I'm a guy who actually did like most of the "skeuomorphism" designs 15 years ago, where gradients played a big role.

Card image

Hi, my name is Thorsten.

I'm the author of the passata app and this website

If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch at

My approach

I'm a programmer who create apps that I do really use myself. 'passata' is an app that I use daily when I work in my home office.

And I can state bluntly that it has had a positive effect on my productivity and motivation. So here is a little instruction manual for Passata from me. Here's how I start the workday:
I look at where I left off working yesterday and what my plan is for today's workday. Sometimes I start the day not with a focus session but with a little 3 minute break. I then walk up and down my small office room (like a tiger) and prepare myself internally for the day's goals.

Generally, during break time if an important thought comes to mind or I have a good idea: Grab the keyboard or your phone and capture the thought. We humans are good at coming up with ideas and bad at holding on to our own thoughts.